Travel tips: Lisse & Keukenhof - a paradise of flowers
On route to Keukenhof you will probably drive through Lisse which has beautiful fields of hyacinth, tulips and other delightful bulb flowers. Pre-Corona, Keukenhof had buses of tourists but now the park is less crowded which has its advantages.
Keukenhof needs a full day to enjoy. There is much to see and strolling through the carefully landscaped gardens is a joy. Surprisingly, many Dutch people do not visit Keukenhof as they drive past tulip fields during their commute and know that in the one month Keukenhof is open, April to May, the place is packed with tourists. Lisse and Keukenhof are about a 40 minutes drive from Amsterdam.
You can either view the parade from the road along its course or see it when standing still at its end point. The scent of the parade is amazing and the artistry too. The two years I have joined in pre-Corona times the themes were Europe, with Viking and Dutch boats, the second, music.
Massive flowers pinned with millions of individual ones. Imagine the work!
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