Israel is small dynamic buzz country that will have you wanting to visit again. In true fiery passion, perhaps because they're used to living on the edge, Israelis will shout and hoot in traffic, make a lot of noise but all in pleasant jest.  Tel-Aviv is a vibrant city with lovely wide beaches.  Restaurants are reasonably priced and full of lovely Mediterranean small, exotic, healthy dishes. Your plate will be piled with fresh vegetables and salads. The sun also, almost always shines in Israel. Absolute musts are visiting Yafo at daytime and evening for beautiful views over the ocean and characteristic beautifully cobble-stoned pathways. Tel-Aviv is cosmopolitan, modern  hub which is alive and throbbing with shops and markets, people and street life. Night life attracts big names like Dave Seaman, whom I saw at an industrial large open air venue. With ground seating on large cushions, laid-back eastern lounges, and everyone dancing around you under only the stars, Israelis will show you a good time. They are well behaved but vibrant, polite and optimistic in enjoying life.  I've borrowed digital photos as my two trip photo efforts back then were not special enough to show off Israel's charm.

 Tel-Aviv - with thanks to Israel Tourist site

There is something so surreal about driving along the highway with signposting saying you're on your way to Bethlehem or Jerusalem. This latter is beyond gorgeous! You feel the ancient age, character tension and raw beauty of the place simultaneously. Walk the cobble-stoned alleys, streets and courtyards, visit the market shops en route to the Wailing wall and enjoy views over Jerusalem from the wall enclosing the area above. Local gardens have lots of fruits and I spent an afternoon picking prickly pears, being lucky enough to know locals whom I had met in previous travels on other continents. Always the best way to view a country, being led by those who know it.

Jerusalem Wailing wall - with thanks to Nat Geo 

A weekend in Nazareth at the Sea of Galilee is essential. Views over the sea at sunrise are stunning and night time offers wonderful outdoor, under the stars clubs, bars and restaurants. Breakfasting alongside the water, you'll see plenty of fish the visibility is so good!

Sea of Galilee
River Jordan where John the Baptist worked and baptised/initiated Jesus

The most beautiful night drive I have ever taken is the one from Tel-Aviv to Eilat, which is approximately four hours. Driving through the desert in absolute pitch black darkness, through winding roads that go up and down, with the desert rocks and sand highlighted by the moon is still my favourite memory of one of my visits. After the intense dark night and natural beauty, one suddenly, perched above a high hill before the last descent, sees Eilat in the distance. It's like Las Vegas in the desert, except not as glitzy. Its desert dryness and heat with palm trees lending an authentic hand to atmosphere, as you gaze across the bay to Aqaba, Jordan.  There are opportunities to dive with dolphins in their natural habitat but even just snorkeling in the Red Sea shows the wealth of what is below that does not meet the eye. An exquisite treasure trove, don't miss it!  There are also date palm plantations which are pretty to view.

Eilat beachfront
Date palm forest 
Red sea coral with thanks to BP blogspot

Clubs and relaxed beach cafes are a pleasure and it's hot so smear in that cream. In the area are the Timna mines. Driving down is treacherous even in a 4x4 but the views from the top and bottom of the cliffs are sensational, the water divine and the earthy cliffs around glows in golden hues around dusk.
Timna Park - With thanks to World Press

A drive along the Syrian side up north as Haifa, there is interesting desert like and rich luscious mix of natural landscape. Stop along the side at the Arabic like tents in the middle of no-where for flat spicy pancakes. In Kiryat Shemona there are wonderful natural walking trails past waterfalls and opportunity for kayaking. You'll notice that so far I haven't visited the Dead Sea... yes indeed, after two visits I still haven't been, but one has to leave something over as reason to return. That's it. This country, is small but so worth a visit or two. Enjoy its vibrant culture and history it's quite a wonder!

Negev desert - I could not find any picture in moonlight that captured what the naked eye saw so you will have to let your imagination run wild... 

Moonlit desert drive - Tel-Aviv to Eilat

The evening air is warm yet fresh
And elegant is the night
Lit up by nature's golden ball
Suspended from the magical sky
Amidst shimmering masses of stars

Descending the highest hills
Reaching the summit of another
The mountainous desert contours
Are highlighted in dancing shadows
Illustrated by the glorious moon

Travelling in cascading natural light
Through the rise and fall of each hill
Intensifies a diversity of experiences
As each ridge, curve and winding path turns
Into the vast emptiness of the moonlit Negev desert

Music pounds and ears equalise
Racing through rhythm, time and space
Encircled by natural  magic, lost in its beauty
Words cannot express the exquisite sense of it all
But its as if the soul bounces from the ground in a weightless soaring
