Voting - EU Parliament - Populism

After reflecting on the past political meetings attended since August and after reading my second pure political book, I voted today for whom to send to Brussels on behalf of the Dutch Labour party. My vote went to the Labour lawyer. Perhaps I'm biased, because I've never met an unkind Labour lawyer and I meet quite a few. But even though my choice was not the best debater, he came across as the most real with the least cliches and a genuine striving to guard rights for employees across Europe. I think that is the most important in political leadership, being real.

The worrying thing is that far right wingers like Le Pen and company, come across as too 'real' and this is what bothers me. They manage to reach the hearts of people by feeding their fears igniting  the flame of competition among groups of people. Do far right wing groups vote for these parties for the money veiled behind the 'promise' of a smaller society? Really believe it will deliver them an upper hand and more 'resources' available for those whose culture better fits the picture? Or do these voters feed on the false sense of power? In UK's Cameron and American Republicans the smoothness of image feels far from 'real' to me. More like a gallant show of intellectual superiority with a forgetfulness that not all people are alike.

Politics is indeed full of contradictions and sometimes it's amusing, watching all different cultures fighting the same things but all blaming their own governments, when actually around the world we are all fighting the same thing. An aggressive unbridled capitalism that de-sensitizes the winner to the realistic playing-field and sensitizes the losers to endless battles which they cannot win.

I don't see how either side can evolve unless they close the gap between the differences. Or is a black and white divided society of poor and rich meant to be, just as man and women, day and night, sun and moon? Neither can exist without the other? Wall Street seems to spotlight one group yet  everything else in life is shared. Air, water, earth and sun. Populism is undoing society's past progression and although money can lift poorer nations out of poverty, the current system needs good politics for fair distribution if democracies want to maintain peaceful societies.  I am in favour of a participatory society but definitely also advocate Financial transaction tax on the stock-exchange.
